Garden plants, the reason we are here, and the reason you are reading this. We love them and everything they bring to us, joy and pleasure.
In 2017, we started selling a range of plants all grown on site here at Sharnford Garden Centre, and you will be able to walk around parts of the nursery. Check back soon for more details.

Also known as annuals as they usually only flower for one season and then die, but are still the most popular way of adding instant colour to your garden.
Favourites include pansies, violas, cyclamen, bellis, wallflowers plus many many more.
You get the chance to plant bedding plants twice a year.
In the Spring when they will flower until the end of summer, and in Autumn when they will flower through Winter and into Spring.
At Sharnford Garden Centre, you will always find a great selection of bedding plants, and at a great price.

If you want to add some floral colour at height in your garden, climbers are one answer too achieve that.
Climbers want to grow up and around things like trellis, arches and fences.
You can also train them to go where ever you want with a little straining wire and patience.
We have a good selection of climbers with something to suite every need.

Conifers often have a bad reputation because everyone thinks of the fast growing leylandii that cause issues between neighbours.
But look deeper, and there is a whole array of interesting and unusual conifers which don’t all grow to a huge size!
On their own some people find them a little boring, but they are the perfect backdrop for more colourful plants to be planted with.
Come and have a look at our great selection for yourself.

If you are looking to grow some food for many years to come, a fruit tree can be a great investment.
Home grown apples taste much sweeter than anything you can buy in a supermarket, and it takes very little effort.
Make sure to talk to a member of staff when purchasing fruit trees as they sometimes need to be planted in pairs.

Perennials means every year (per annual), these plants flower every year but die back during the winter.
In the Spring they will jump into life and start growing again with fresh foliage and blooms.
This is such a huge category of plants it’s hard to describe what they are like, so best to come and see for yourself.

Always an English favourite, the popularity of roses never seems to go away.
With so many stunning colours available, it’s easy to find one you will like.
They also come and bushes, climbers, ramblers and patio roses, so you can have one in many situations.
They also make great gifts with names such as “Happy Anniversary”, “Golden Wedding” plus many more.
Come for a look today to find your perfect rose.

Shrubs are a great category, and like perennials cover a multitude of different plants, though lots of shrubs offer the benefit of being evergreen meaning some foliage in your garden all year round.
We have a great selection of shrubs all year round, so pop in for a look at your leisure